If you need to update your child's bus stop, please contact us at the number above.
Shannon Feltwell, Transportation Supervisor sfeltwell@lowertwpschools.com
Lana Abrams, Secretary lanabrams@lowertwpschools.com
Here Comes the Bus Application- District Code 87554
Driver Bus Safety: Bus Safety Tips
The Bus Driver will assign all students their seating. All rules must be followed so the driver can concentrate and ensure your child gets home safely. All students must follow the School Bus Safety Rules.
Please remember to have your student at the bus stop 10 minutes before arrival and at your child’s stop 10 minutes before their arrival home. If a child’s parent or guardian is not at the stop, the child will be returned to school.
School Bus Safety Rules
On The Way To The Bus
- Be alert; arrive at your stop at least ten minutes early.
- Always obey all traffic lights and signals.
- Plan to walk with schoolmates whenever possible, facing the traffic.
- When crossing streets, always cross at crosswalks and intersections.
- Look both ways before crossing the street.
At The Bus Stop
- Stand back from the curve.
- Don't push or shove when entering or exiting; always use the steps and handrail.
- Always obey the bus driver and wait for the driver's signal before crossing.
- Always cross at least 10 feet in front of the school bus.
- Never, never crawl under the bus.
When Riding the Bus
- Take your seat quietly and quickly, remain seated when the bus is moving, and do not leave your seat when the bus is moving.
- Keep your feet on the floor, and never extend your hands, arms, head, or any object out a bus window.
- Talk in a conversational tone, be courteous to the driver and schoolmates, and try not to distract the driver through misbehavior.
- No food, gum, or drinks are permitted on the bus. Toys, sports equipment, or distracting items are also not allowed on the bus. If your child needs to bring in a large item, the parent or guardian must take it to their school. There are no exceptions.
- Any personal items left on the bus will be returned to the school or the transportation office. A bus driver will never return an item to a child's home.