No Child Left Behind
The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 includes the legislation governing much of the federal funding available to school districts.
Under the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, our district receives Title I monies to help all students achieve proficiency on the challenging state standards and assessments. Most of our funding is designated for the Basic Skills Improvement Program in the Carl T. Mitnick Schools.
The law also establishes the Parents' "Right to Know" provision, which allows parents to request information on the professional qualifications of their children's teachers. Please know that all of our teachers are considered "highly qualified". You may contact your child's principal if you have any further questions.
For more information on the No Child Left Behind you may explore additional links from this page. To learn about this law as it applies to New Jersey schools access ( and to locate an informative US Department of Education site access (
Two additional sites provide parents with comprehensive information regarding the performance of their children's schools, as well as other schools and districts in New Jersey.
The School Information Partnership (SIP) represents an initiative between the Broad Foundation and the US Department of Education.
Just for the Kids - New Jersey helps provide parents with state assessment performance data that compares their district to similar schools in the state.
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