Memorial Principal Corner - Christopher Shivers

Memorial School Office is now open and will be accepting all paperwork to complete your child’s registration.

If you attended the March Registration, had an appointment for April 1st or signed up online, please bring the following items to our office from June 15th - June 30th between 8:30 a.m. - 12:00p.m.

__ Original Birth Certificate with the raised seal
__ Immunization Record Including a flu shot (if under 5 years of age)
__ Proof of Residency (current utility bill, tax bill, etc.) The bill must be in your name and address
__ Court Documents if applicable

David C. Douglass Veterans Memorial School
2600 Bayshore Road, Villas, NJ 08251 - Phone: 609.884.9430

Regular School Schedule: 9:30 am - 3:30 pm
Early Dismissal Schedule: 9:30 am - 2:10 pm
Delayed Opening Schedule: 10:30 am - 3:30 pm

Kindergarten Sight Word Challenge

To help promote literacy throughout Kindergarten, Mr. Shivers has created this challenge. Individually, students are asked to practice their sight words throughout the school year. But at the end of the school year, we will total all of them up for the entire grade level. If we equal or surpass 5000 sight words, students will receive a special assembly in May.  

To help practice, please use the links below. Each set has 6 words and we recommend students play the matching game. Thank you for your continued support.

Mental Health/Behavioral Resources for Parents
  • Perform Care: New Jersey Children's System of Care:  (877-652-7624)
  • Web:
  • On YouTube: DCF Children's System of Public Care Service Announcement (
  • Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988

School Safety Team - Jeff Samaniego, Deb Keeler, Chris Shivers, Julia Sangillo, Kevin Boyle, Jennifer Giorgio Blum, Steph Abrams, Ashlee Frederick, Darrin Hickok

Liaison Committee - Laurie Long and Stacy Hotaling

Lower Township School District Anti-Bullying Coordinator
Debra Keeler - Carl T. Mitnick School - (609) 884-9440
905 Seashore Road ~ Cape May, NJ 08204

Memorial School Anti-Bullying Specialist
Mrs. Julia Sangillo - Memorial School - (609) 884-9430 Ext: 4004
2600 Bayshore Road ~ Villas, NJ 08251

NJDOE State School Climate Coordinator 

Threat Assessment Team
Jeff Samaniego
Debbie Keeler
Darrin Hickok
Chris Shivers
Kevin Boyle
Julia Sangillo
Jennifer Blum
Stephanie Abrams

  • Guidance for Parents on the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act

  • HIB 338 Form - Parent Harassment, intimidation, or Bullying (English | Spanish)

  • 2022-2023 HIB Self Assessment
    In 2011, the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act was signed into law to strengthen the procedures for preventing, reporting, and investigating and responding to incidents of Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) of students.  The LTES School District in support of this initiative implemented training programs to raise awareness and prevent bullying by recognizing the warning signs and taking each report seriously.  By acting quickly, problems were handled in a private manner.  Victims were supported and taught coping skills.  Bullies were disciplined but also provided appropriate support and guidance with vigilant staff monitoring.  We are confident the achievement of 68 out of the 75 possible points indicates prevention and intervention program success.  We will remain committed to providing safe, positive and productive educational environments where all students can achieve their hest academic potential.