Daycare Program

Office Location: Maud Abrams School - 714 Townbank Road, Cape May, NJ - (609) 884-9400, ext. 2621

The purpose of the Lower Elementary Day Care Program is to provide parents/guardians of students attending the Lower Township Elementary Schools with a solution for before-after-hours school care that is affordable and provides for their child's safety and comfort.

The program is staffed by Board approved personnel who are committed to providing a safe, enjoyable environment for the district's children.

Children who are four years of age by October 1 and are enrolled in the Lower Township Elementary School District are eligible to attend Day Care. All children must adhere to the district's policies and procedures, including the Student  Code of Conduct, and be fully potty-trained.

Day Care utilizes 3 sites to accommodate the before-school needs of the students. The David C. Douglass Veterans Memorial School serves Douglass Memorial School students only.  The Mitnick School site serves the Mitnick School students.  Maud Abrams School site serves Maud Abrams School students. All sites operate from 7:00 a.m. until school begins, every day school is in session.  There is no morning Day Care at this time for Sandman.

Each site has a designated Day Care entrance. Parents/guardians must escort their child to the Day Care door and insure safe entry. Under no circumstances should a student be dropped off alone at the front of a building or before the 7:00 a.m. starting time.

All four of the district's schools provide after-school care on-site. The afternoon sessions operate from the school's dismissal until 5:30 p.m., each day school is in session.  On the school day prior to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter, Day Care in all buildings will close at 4:00 p.m. On the last day of school, Day Care will close at 3:00 p.m.

In accordance with district safety procedures, students are to be picked-up at the designated Day Care "Safe Zones."  Parents/guardians are required to sign out their children with the proper identification. Children must be picked up by 5:30 p.m. each day. Failure to do so results in a $15.00 late fee. If lateness occurs more than three times, the parent/guardians will be advised to find another Day Care provider. Children dismissed from the program may not be re-admitted until the next school year.  The staff will begin to call the emergency contacts listed on the registration form.  If a child remains in Day Care after 5:30 p.m., it will be assumed that an emergency exists at home.  If none of these approved contacts can be reached, the Lower Township Police will be notified.

Parents/guardians are responsible for completing the Day Care attendance contract. All schedules are five days a week.  Staffing will be based on these contracts to allow sufficient supervision.  All permanent changes to the contract must be made in writing.   Additionally, a phone call must be made to the Day Care Office at 884-9400, ext. 2621.  A note must be sent in with the student to the school office. If there is a permanent change to a student’s Day Care schedule, a two school day waiting period will be effected to allow notification to Transportation, building offices, teachers, and Day Care staff.

For the safety of the students, Day Care transportation arrangements must be consistent with a 5 day week schedule.  The schedule must be a permanent one; daily changes cannot be honored.  This is consistent with the district’s transportation policy, as outlined in the Student-Parent handbook.

In the event of inclement weather, Day Care operates as follows:

There are no Day Care services when school is closed.
On late opening days, Day Care will begin at 8:30 unless the buildings cannot be accessed.
If school is dismissed early or closed due to weather or an emergency situation, parents/guardians are required to pick up their child as soon as possible.

The Day Care program is a self-supporting endeavor. The monies generated are used for staff salaries, snacks, and materials needed for projects, activities, and presentations.  In order for a child to receive Day Care services, payment must be made prior to attendance.  Monthly payment is due the first Monday of the month.  Parents/guardians needing an alternate payment plan should contact the Day Care Office to make these arrangements.  All accounts must be paid in full before the 15th of the month.  Any account delinquent for two weeks will result in termination of Day Care services.

For students in Preschool through Grade 6:

  • The cost for the before-school session is $110.00 per month, based on 180 school days.

  • The cost for the after-school session is $215.00 per month, based on 180 school days.

  • The cost for the before & after school session is $325.00 per month, based on 180 school days.

Day Care provides a light morning and afternoon snack during the program hours.
Parents/guardians should make the Day Care staff aware of any known food allergy.

Please keep these numbers handy to use during Day Care hours.  All calls must be made to the Day Care Office during the school day - (609) 884-9400, ext. 2621.

  • Memorial – (609) 884-9430 Ext: 4103

  • Mitnick – (609) 884-9470 Ext: 5103

  • Maud Abrams – (609) 884-9420 Ext: 3011

  • Sandman – (609) 884-9410 Ext: 2014